SafetyNextGen was set up in 2024 to support new and aspirant professionals to join the Health and Safety profession. This is an awesome profession, where we work to look out for our colleagues and others, ensuring that people going to work go home fulfilled and safe at the end of their shift.
The goal is to help nurture and mentor people on their journey from interest through studying and qualifying and into their first roles.
We are independent from any Health and Safety organisations however will use their frameworks and membership levels to help guide our members journeys.
SafetyNextGen focus is via our own LinkedIn group where we will discuss, collaborate, work together, network and support each other. We will learn and grow, and celebrate member’s success.
We will host regular online meetings, with various speakers to offer their insights and take part in discussions.
I am very happy to be able to support SafetyNextGen and using my experiences to inform, support, and mentor members on their journey, and will be proud of their journey and success in the future.
If you are a new or aspirant Health and Safety professional please reach out and join our group SafetyNextGen via LinkedIn.